f Flintec Type 52-28 Weigh Module- A&S Automation Co., Ltd
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Product Description

Flintec load cell supports are designed to prevent unwanted forces from affecting load cell performance.

The type 52-28 weigh module is a compact and very cost effective unit especially designed for load cells in hopper and tank weighing applications. All modules within a scale are identical and can be freely oriented in any direction. It incorporates an integrated check link to eliminate oscillations caused by slow moving agitators etc.

If delivered with a load cell the weigh module will be shipped completely pre-assembled ready for installation by welding or bolting.

Especially designed for SB6 and SB8 load cells.

Material: steel, zinc plated; alternatively stainless steel.

Key Features
Universal system
Capacity range up to 500 kg
Load introduction by ball and socket joint
Low profile
Easy to install
Integrated check link (max. 5 kN)
Rod ends assure a tension-free installation and therefore an optimal accuracy/repeatability
Integrated lift off protection (max. 5 kN)
Integrated overload protection
Load cell replacement requires minimum lifting height by integated jacking device

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