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The type 56-02 dummy supports have same height and can be combined with corresponding capacity of weigh modules type 55-20, 55-01-10 and 55-01-07C/D rocker system.
The dummy supports are typically used in scale systems for level control in tanks. They replace two of the weigh modules in tanks on 3 or 4 legs and give a very cost effective scale solution.
The supports are dimensioned to take side forces in any horizontal direction up to 100% of maximum capacity.
Lift off forces are safe to 50% for the 7.5/15/22.5 t unit and to 100% for the 30/40 t unit.
If foundation plates and tank feet are prepared also with mounting holes for the weigh module, the scale can later easily be upgraded to a high accuracy load cell system by replacing the dummy supports with weigh modules.
Material: Mild steel, zinc plated.
Key Features
Capacities 7.5 t to 40 t
Easy installation by bolting or welding
Tolerates large angular errors for tank foot and foundation plate
Allows thermal expansion/contraction
Very rugged design