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Active angle:
The encoder will have an output signal span within the
active angle. If you chose 90 active angle you will have
0mA or 4mA at the start position and 20mA when you have
turned the encoder 90. The active angle and start position
value (0mA or 4mA) is set when manufacturing the encoder.
The encoder resolution is always 10 bit over 360 (1024
positions / revolution).
When the DIRECTION input pin is not connected or at low
level the encoder has a rising output signal when turning
the shaft clockwise, seen from shaft side. If you put the
DIRECTION input pin to high level the encoder will have
rising output signal when turning the shaft counter clockwise.
With the ZeroSet input you chose from where you want to
make the measurement. When ZeroSet input is given as a
high pulse of minimum 1ms the encoder will set the position
it has for the moment to zero as a start position for the
measurement. CW or CCW direction must have been chosen
before the ZeroSet position is chosen.
The start position is stored in a non-volatile memory and
will not be lost in case of interruption in the power supply.