f IFM Full-metal Pressure Sensor PI2794 For Hygienic Applications- A&S Automation Co., Ltd
Home / Sensors / Pressure Sensor / IFM Pressure Sensor / IFM Full-metal Pressure Sensor PI2794 For Hygienic Applications

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IFM Full-metal Pressure Sensor PI2794 For Hygienic Applications has ahighgrade stainless steel housing (316S12). The housing design is, in particular, distinguished by itsresistance to cleaning agents used in the food and pharma industries whose e ectiveness is constantly increasing. Lasered,captive type labels are natural for these sensors.
The excellent features and characteristics of the former PIsensors are also provided by the newseries: high protection IP 69K, hygienic design, high temperature resistance, high-purity ceramic measuring cell, high-quality materials (wetted parts) and last but not least intuitive operation.

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