SITRANS RD500 is a remote data manager providing integrated web access, alarm
event handling, and data capture for instrumentation.
The RD500 is an easy-to-use remote data manager, using a
web-based application and hardware modules. The unique modular approach allows
a variety of process signals to be monitored, while the serial ports allow data
to be collected from any Modbus RTU device.
The RD500 comprises a master communications module, and up to 16
slave modules. Various module types are available, allowing up to a maximum of
128 conventional inputs and outputs. The RD500s serial ports can collect data
from up to 247 Modbus RTU slave devices including field instruments.
The RD500's built-in web server, FTP, and email client allows
the process to be monitored remotely. Alarm notifications are communicated
through email and SMS text messages to one or more recipients to ensure that
appropriate actions are taken by personnel.
The RD500 supports external modems, providing flexibility for
applications in which GSM/GPRS cellular or landline connectivity is desired.
The RD500 is configured via a web-based interface - a standard
browser is all the software you need to configure your system.
Key Applications: Remote monitoring, inventory management, web
enabled instrumentation or other devices.
RD500 supports report and alarm events via email, SMS,
and FTP transfer
Web server provides worldwide access to instrument data
log and RD500 configuration and setup
Offers scalability with optional I/O modules for current
(4 to 20 mA), voltage (0 to 10 V), thermocouple (TC), resistance temperature
detector (RTD), and digital I/O
10 base-TI 100 Base-TX ethernet and support for 3G, GSM,
GPRS, and PSTN provide flexible remote communications options
Supports up to 128 devices with the flexible I/O modules
and up to 247 Modbus serial devices
Integrated FTP server and client supports FTP data
synchronization to central servers
Compact flash slot supports up to 2 Gigabytes of
expandable memory for data capture and storage.
Log files formats are CSV (comma separated values) for
data files and HTML for report files