LG200 is a guided wave radar transmitter for short and medium range level,
level/interface and volume measurement of liquids and solids. It is unaffected
by changes in process conditions, high temperatures and pressures, and steam.
and interface applications. For short and extended applications, LG200 offers
coaxial, single or twin rod probes, and single or twin cable probes up to 22.5
m (75 ft).
applications of corrosive vapors, foam, saturated steam, high viscosity, quick
fill/empty rates, low levels and varying dielectrics and product densities.
chamber replacement probe can be mounted in existing chambers or cages for
optimal measurement.
measurement, low dielectric liquids, high temperature/pressure applications,
powdered solids with high angle of repose.
low as 1.4
including foam
pressure up to 430 bar g (6250 psi g) and temperatures as high as 427 C (800