f Siemens LOGO! the proven basic (0BA6)-PLC-Modula- A&S Automation Co., Ltd
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Description LOGO! the proven basic (0BA6) LOGO! impresses customers due to the wide variety of possible applications and it allows the easy implementation of compre hensive applications last but not least due to the possibility of selecting from among 38 integrated functions and linking them to up to 200 blocks. When operating and monitoring, the 4-line backlit display with a maximum of 32 characters per line ensures a high degree of user-friendliness. The message text allows the display oftext, setpoints and actual values, bar graphs and status parameters. Of course, parameters can be adjusted in the message text. Flexibility is always assured due to the diverse expansion options. Area of application The logic module LOGO! is proven millions of times in numerous applications: Machine controls Motor, pump and valve controls Air compressors Exhaust and filtering systems Water-treatment plants Woodworking machinery Etching and purification plants

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