Address: 469 Xinsheng Road, Gaoxin District, Chengdu, China
Tel: +86-28-67198331
Fax: +86-28-86129221
Contact Person: Ivy
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The 6MD66 high-voltage bay control unit is the control unit for high voltage bays from the SIPROTEC 4 relay series. Because of its integrated functions, it is an optimum, low-cost solution for high-voltage switchbays. The 6MD66 high-voltage bay controller unit also has the same design (look and feel) as the other protection and combined units of the SIPROTEC 4 relay series. Configuration is performed in a standardized way with the easy-to-use DIGSI 4 configuration tool. For operation, a large graphic display with a keyboard is available. The important operating actions are performed in a simple and intuitive way, e.g. alarm list display or switchgear control. The operator panel can be mounted separately from the unit, if required. Thus, flexibility with regard to the mounting position of the unit is ensured. Integrated key-operated switches control the switching authority and authorization for switching without interlocking. High-accuracy measurement (± 0.5 %) for voltage, current and calculated values P and Q are another feature of the unit.