f ​Vernier CO2 Gas Sensor CO2-BTA- A&S Automation Co., Ltd
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Vernier CO2 Gas Sensor CO2-BTA measures gaseous carbon dioxide levels by monitoring 
the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide molecules. Very important: Do not place the sensor directly into any liquid. IT is intended only for measuring gaseous, not aqueous, CO2 concentration. 
The sensor has two settings: low range (0–10,000 ppm) and high range (0–100,000 ppm). Students can use the CO2 Gas Sensor to measure the change in carbon dioxide levels for a variety of systems, including: 
A chamber containing small living things such as crickets, worms, or germinating seeds. 
A terrarium of plants undergoing respiration and photosynthesis cycles. 
A classroom. 
An enclosed atmosphere containing sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide as CO2 scavengers. 
The chemical reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate. 
Carbon dioxide gas diffusing through a gas diffusion tube. 
Fermentation or respiration of sugars. 
Human respiration under various conditions (at rest vs. after exercise).

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